Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Cute Hats

"It might not all fall out.  It might just get real thin." - Damn Good Second Opinion Doctor.

At the time, I found this comforting.  Thin isn't too bad.  My mother has thin hair, and to me she always just looked like a beautiful woman with slightly thin hair.  Turns out, there's a difference between 'slightly thin' and 'real thin.'

This is what the back of my head looks like right now.

 Yeah, you think that's creepy?  Check it out from the top. 

(Before we go further, I want you to promise to back off me about the picture quality alright?  You try taking a selfie of the back of your head with a clam shell cell phone.)

OK, Despite what it sounds like, this is not a vanity post. 

I honestly don't mind the way it looks.  Trust me, I've never been one of those girls who gets turned off by a little shiny head spot.  Plus, I know it's temporary.  My real problem is it's cold.  I live in the North Eastern US and it's coming on December.

I'm freezing my head off up here, you guys!

Lest you think I'm being too negative about this hair situation, considering tomorrow is Thanksgiving, a day to take time to be grateful for what we have, I hereby commit to making the remainder of this post so happy-dappy positive you'll be ready to spit up in your cranberry sauce.

There are actually several benefits to my new hairstyle (or lack thereof.)

1) I'm saving a pile of money on shampoo, conditioner, gel, anti-frizz serum and razors.  (Yeah, razors... Perhaps we'll save that for another post.)

2) My hair, when I have it, is long, curly, tangles if you move your head and frizzes when you look at it funny.  It took five different products and fifteen to twenty minutes to tame each morning.  Now that I don't have any, I actually have time for breakfast.

3) Housekeeping is easier as well.  There's no hair accumulating on the bathroom floors.

4) Best of all, this lack of hair combined with my current, er, shall we say, climate-control issue, is the perfect opportunity to pursue my long time obsession with hats!  I love hats!  I've often lobbied unsuccessful for the return of the fabulous feather and flower filled hats of the 1900's and my favorite part of any horse racing event are the hat pictures.  I've therefore taken this opportunity to wear some fun hats.

I had several hats lying around the house, so I started just wearing them.  My husband did the sweetest thing ever and actually made me a winter hat by hand!

The plain hats were fun, but I wanted a little more color.  So I went to Michael's Arts & Crafts store and they had a bunch of clip on feathers in a variety of fun colors.  I bought a few and started to mix and match.  I met up with my sisters one afternoon and they each made me one.

Here's a couple photos of the event. I'm wearing the hat my husband made me with the feather clips my sisters made. 

I think my expressions say it all.  I really do love hats. 

I have a lot to be grateful for this Thanksgiving.  Hats, family who make them for me, supportive friends, prayers from all over the world, a decent health care plan, smart people who grow up to be oncologists, hematologists and cancer researchers.  If I list everything out it will be next Thanksgiving before I finish, so I'll sum it up in one word: Life.

I am grateful for life.  

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